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Strategic Dilapidations Report

Dilapidations Example

Introduction - Dilapidations are as certain as death and taxes

Whatever the relationship you have had with your landlord it changes at the end of your lease.     This is because the landlord no longer looks at you as a regular monthly rental income stream.  The landlord moves his thoughts to renting out the property to a new tenant for as much income as possible spending as little as possible of his money on bringing the property up to standard which is within his rights as most leases are under Full Repairing and Insuring clauses (FRI’s).  You, of course, in this instance have a lease that isn’t Full Repairing and Insuring. 

Dilapidations Guidance and Protocol for Chartered Surveyors

A Dilapidations claim is a semi-legal process that can turn into a legal process if agreement is not reached. 

The Dilapidations process is set within a legal Protocol and any Chartered Surveyors dealing with Dilapidations have recommended Guidance Notes prepared by The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

What this means to you

This means that you are part of a process designed to settle claims between landlords and tenants without going to court (where matters get very costly) in most cases.