Let Pubs - call our Expert Surveyors for advice today
If you are considering letting a pub and taking on a lease call us today to speak to our Chartered Surveyors.Why do I need a Chartered Surveyor?Simply put, you need to ensure that the property you are leasing is in a good state of repair especially as the majority of leases are now Full Repairing and Insuring, known as FRI leases. This means the leaseholder is responsible for maintaining the property in good condition and for any repairs. It also means that when the lease is over the property needs to be returned to the condition stated in the lease and not the condition it was in when you took it on.
Why do I need Schedule of Condition carried out?Before you enter into a lease speak to us and have a Schedule of Condition carried out, this will limit your liabilities and possibly save you a lot of money. A Schedule of Condition is a thorough survey of the whole building that will identify problems that either need to be excluded from the lease or repaired by the landlord before you take it on. Either way we can advise you of the best option and if necessary negotiate on your behalf.
Read more about leasing a pub here. | We have surveyed hundreds of pubs over the years. Call us and we can email you an example pub survey or click here to download a survey. |
Leasing a pub?
If you are about to rent a pub from -
Enterprise Inns, Youngs, Admiral Taverns, Punch Taverns,
Brakspear, Charles Wells, Greene King etc.
Please contact our expert Pub Surveyors for help and advice,
we can help to protect your interests and save you money!
Please Free Phone us on
0800 298 5424